Federazione Autonoma Bancari Italiani

International Relations

Communication > News
News dated 13/03/2018
FABI, the most important Trade Union in the banking sector in Italy, celebrated in Rome his XXI National Congress from march 5th to march 9th

During the event, important guests from Finance , Politics  and Journalism have taken part in several round tables. 
Among them:  Carlo Messina, CEO Intesa Sanpaolo, Jean Pierre Mustier, CEO  Unicredit, Marco Morelli, CEO Monte Paschi, CEO Credit Agricole Cariparma, Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament,  Roberto Gualtieri, President of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs - European Parliament, Antonio Patuelli, President ABI (Italian Bankers Association).


As General Secretary, was confirmed Lando Maria Sileoni and as Deputy General Secretary, Mauro Bossola and Giuliano De Filippis.


Mauro BossolaLando Maria Sileoni opened the work session of the XXI National Congress. 

We want a debate on the “Future of Work” and  impact of Digitalization that should maintain and create new jobs, with fair redistribution of profits also in favor of workers.

We will struggle to maintain the management of NPLs  inside the bank industry, the protection of the social category shock absorbers,   such as the “Fondo Esuberi” , which in the years of crisis has made it possible to avoid layoffs, unlike what happened in Europe where the banking sector lost over 327,500 jobs,  Sileoni said.



"We want a social model of bank that does not outsource activities, but focuses on specialist advice to families and businesses , which creates new professionalism, thus keeping jobs,  paving the way for new hires.
We could never accept the elimination of the framework of rights that is the result of 30 years of Unions' struggles" he concluded.

The Congress was honoured by a speech given by Christy Hoffman, UNI GLOBAL UNION Deputy General Secretary.


Unions’ Representatives from 12 different countries also attended the event.







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