Federazione Autonoma Bancari Italiani

International Relations

Communication > News
News dated 16/02/2017
UNI GLOBAL UNION: Europe needs a pay rise
The European trade union movement has launched a campaign to rise the wage of workers in Europe

Corporate Europe has recovered from the crisis but workers haven’t seen a pay rise in years.

For too long, leaders and employers have pitted workers against each other in a wage race to the bottom. More money in the pockets of workers isn’t only good for workers - it creates demand that will trickle-up the economy resulting in faster growth and a fairer economy.


To make this happen - the European trade union movement has launched the campaign ‘It’s time for OUR Recovery - Europe needs a pay rise.’

A pay rise for European workers is a matter of social justice. Today, wealth and wage inequality is on the rise and workers’ rights such as collective bargaining – the best way to get a pay rise - should be encouraged and promoted by all – not come under attack as it has in recent years.

That is why the European trade union movement has banded together in this campaign to make sure workers get their pay rise.


Check out the website and the campaign video and sign up to support the campaign here and follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter under #OurPayRise.