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News dated 14/06/2018
UNI Europa Newsletter - May 2018
Key News from UNI Europa
May has been a bumper month for UNI Europa.
A high-level conference for our big project on ‘Shaping Industrial Relations in a Digitalising Services Industry’ was hosted in Brussels
As our Liverpool Congress is coming up fast, we are truly embodying the “Making it Happen” slogan.
Trade Union Success Stories |
After intense negotiating with Finance Norway on 29th - 30th May, FSU-NO achieved important changes to their General Agreement in regards to wages, parental leave and rights for temporary staff.
New European agreement reached for ICT-mobile workers in the commerce sector
The European social partners for the Commerce sector, UNI Europa and EuroCommerce, reached a consensus on a revised European Agreement for guidelines on Telework and ICT-mobile work in the commerce sector. This new agreement includes, for the first time, ICT-mobile workers and addresses issues like employment conditions, confidentiality and health and safety.
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